The Law Office of Francisco Hernandez Blog

March 26th, 2017

Ok, so we talked about a lot of bad cases let me talk about a couple of good cases. Sumlin, U.S. v. Sumlin, good case! It’s got language on a lot of different areas that you can use to defend your c...

March 25th, 2017

Then, we get the last nail in the coffin; Huddleston! Now, if you’re litigating an issue, 404(B) issue in federal court, I have no doubt that the response that you’re going to get from the governm...

March 24th, 2017

Deferred disposition on a class C. that’s going to be eligible for an expunction. Various kinds of deferred prosecution agreements that we get in our different jurisdictions and then if you get a ch...

March 23rd, 2017

La expedicion de un cheque presentado oportunamente para su pago y no cubierto por causa imputable al librador, configura el delito sin consideracion a que el documento se haya expedido pos-fechado, o...

March 22nd, 2017

Si bien es cierto que conforme al citado precepto las Instituciones depositarias no podran dar noticia de los depósitos y demas operaciones, sino al depo­sitante, deudor o beneficiario, salvo cuando...

March 22nd, 2017

Now, so we’ve talked about whether or not something is intrinsic or extrinsic. That was the first of the four elements. The second one is ‘relevance’. Now listen to this, ok? We know that they c...

March 21st, 2017

Carece de importancia que el girador de un cheque tenga, en su cuenta, provision de fondos, si esta es insuficiente para cubrirlo, pues ninguna graduación legal hay respecto a tal insuficiencia, porq...

March 21st, 2017

Here we got another case; Anarchist cook book again! And here they, the bomb goes off and they think that Walter is responsible. So they go to Walter’s house, bust down his door and inside his house...

March 20th, 2017

Cuando el librador de un cheque ordena hacer el deposito de fondos necesarios para el pago, y situaciones ajenas a el, como en el caso particular, la lentitud para hacer el asiento en el Banco librado...

March 20th, 2017

These cases depend on the nature of accusation. Take Ridlehuber! Ridlehuber is sitting at home minding, innocently minding his own business; all of my stories are going to start with that preference. ...

March 19th, 2017

But you’re talking about this blood, and blood contains glucose in it, and you’ve got sugars and when you combine sugars and bacteria and yeast! What are you going to have? You’re going to have ...

March 18th, 2017

So let’s get started with the collection. This is an article I found that was on Google. I found it years ago, and I think it’s been updated! I don’t think the 5th edition is the most current bu...

Total: 328

Los Abogados
  • Francisco Hernandez
  • Daniel Hernandez
  • Phillip Hall
  • Rocio Martinez