December 17th, 2016
Si bien es cierto que el articulo 323 del Código Penal del Estado de Michoacán, al describir el abuso de confianza, señala como elemento del delito que se haya trasmitido la tenencia de la cosa, ta...
December 16th, 2016
UN HECHO INDEPENDIENTE DEL INFANTICIDIO.—Si a la quejosa se le acuso de haber intentado privar de la vida a su hijo recién nacido, habiéndose demostrado que para hacerlo, una vez que este nació l...
December 15th, 2016
The defendant, stands charged by indictment with the offense of intoxication manslaughter, alleged to have been committed in Tarrant County, Texas, on or about the 15th day of November, 2015. To this ...
December 15th, 2016
Spouse, Child or Parent of United States Citizen The present, statute excludes from numerical restrictions the “immediate relatives” of American citizens.’ This term is defined to include the sp...
December 14th, 2016
THE COURT: All right. Y’all ready? All right. Bring the jury in. (Jury enters the courtroom.) THE COURT: Y’all can have a seat. All right. If everybody would have a seat. State may call their next...
December 13th, 2016
El articulo 242 del Código penal de Chiapas, prevé y castiga el robo de ganado, sancionándolo con una pena especialmente grave; y ni gramatical y ni jurídicamente puede existir identidad entre el ...
December 12th, 2016
An indispensable prerequisite to this nonimmigrant stat us is the preliminary procurement of the Attorney Gen- eral’s approval of a petition filed in accordance with the preceding subsection. Withou...
December 12th, 2016
The Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Federal Constitution both command that no “person” shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law, and the Fourteenth Amendmen...
December 11th, 2016
(1) General considerations. Nonimmigrant status under this section cannot be granted unless a petition to classify the worker or workers is filed by the importing employer and is approved by the Attor...
December 11th, 2016
inaplicable a dicha figura delictiva la Ley penal común, debido a que por el contenido de aquella opera en una situación jurídica determinada, pero teniendo desde luego los elementos característic...
December 10th, 2016
The Act of 1952 established a new nonimmigrant class of temporary workers.’ Three types of temporary workers dealt with in this statute are: (1) Those of distinguished merit and ability (H-l); (2) O...
December 10th, 2016
Admission to practice not prerequisite. At one time there was a general requirement, subject to some exceptions, that no person would be permitted to practice before the Service or the Board unless he...
Total: 126