December 24th, 2016
En cuanto al termino de la prescripción de la actino persecutoria, la ley alude al termino medio aritmético de la pena, que se ha interpretado como no deducible de la individualización judicial, si...
December 23rd, 2016
Cuando el quejoso ha venido consintiendo todos los requerimientos y apercibimientos anteriores, el arresto por doce horas no viene a ser sino “el siguiente medio de apremio prescrito por la Ley”, ...
December 22nd, 2016
A returning resident, designated in the statute as a special immigrant,’ is granted a number of benefits under the immigration laws. In addition to exemption from the numerical restrictions, he is r...
December 22nd, 2016
position de acciones que fueron objeto de un contrato prendario, y que tal conocimiento lo tuvo con mas de un ano de antelación a la fecha en que presento su querella, surte efectos la prescripción ...
December 22nd, 2016
Total filing system, you know have your folder from left hand side and you could actually scan things in there two ways. You could just put everything in a stack of paper and scan it all and hopefully...
December 21st, 2016
Por el articulo 383 del Código Penal Federal, equiparable al de abuso de confianza, tipificado en su fracción II, que reza: “Se considera como abuso de confianza para los efectos de la pena: I.—...
December 20th, 2016
A person claiming to be the spouse, parent, or child of an American citizen cannot obtain preferred status unless a petition for issuance of an immigration visa (Form 1-130) is filed on his behalf wit...
December 20th, 2016
On the 11th day of August 2015 the following proceedings came on to be heard in the above-titled and numbered cause before the Honorable Cheril S. Hardy, judge presiding, held in Fort Worth, Texas, re...
December 19th, 2016
The third segment of the “immediate relative” category, now entitled to enter without regard to the numerical limi tations, are the parents of United States citizens, such citi zens being at least...
December 19th, 2016
En términos de lo preceptuado por el articulo 120 del Código Federal de Procedimientos Penales, las querellas formuladas en representación de personas morales se admitirán cuando el apoderado teng...
December 18th, 2016
The Act of 1952 awards exemption from numerical restrictions, as an “immediate relative,” to the alien child of a United States citizen.8 Definitions in the Act of 1952 and in its amendments have ...
December 18th, 2016
Si bien es verdad que conforme a la legislación civil del Estado de Jalisco, el contrato de compraventa con reserva de dominio no da a la parte compradora la propiedad de los bienes adquiridos, sino ...
Total: 126